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Did you know that every week 93% of all consumers listen to the Radio? That's why radio builds brands and drives sales!
The Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) just released a commanding video highlighting the power of radio. This is a must see for everyone that works in the industry and for every advertiser and potential advertiser.
Watch the video here..
The RAB also does an outstanding job providing radio sellers and advertisers with the latest research on the industry. Click hereto view their reports and studies.
Paul Jacobs had a great post today about why the auto industry is making a big mistake shifting their ad dollars out of radio and into the Internet.
Paul asks....
"What's the best place to reach someone who needs a new car?" In their office? In their bedroom? On their phone?
He goes on to say....
"You can't read the newspaper when you drive. And you shouldn't watch TV. Or text. And for now, you don't have WiFi so that eliminates the Internet in your car. But radio owns the automobile, yet it's clear that the automakers haven't made this connection".
As much as things changes, traditional terrestrial radio still controls the car, just as it did in the early 1930's when it was introduced!
My first job out of college was as the first research director for KNIX radio when they were owned by Michael and Buck Owens.
Michael and Program Director Larry Daniels were very progressive, especially when it came to utilizing research. Not only did they have their own in-house research department, but they worked with the finest and brightest researchers in the country to help them as well.
I am convinced that it was because of the research they did and their expertise in interpreting and implementing the findings, that helped catapult KNIX in to its market leading dominance and consistent ratings triumphs back in the day.
I can remember all of the time it took in planning and developing the studies, then fielding and tabulating it, and finally getting the final results for analysis. It would take months from start to finish!
Things have really changed with the use of internet polling/research. My friend Howard Lindzon posted a question on his blog today experimenting with I checked it out, went to it and within five minutes I had signed up for a free account and developed a short questionnaire and posted it below.
This is a great tool for any broadcaster, marketer, business, non-profit, etc., that wants to get quick and timely information on the fly from their constituents.
The Economy certainly seems to be on top of everyone's mind these days, so here's a simple poll. Please answer it. If you have any thoughts for future polls, leave a comment or send me a note.
By the way, I know the government says we are not in a recession. I'm interested in knowing how you feel.
Just got back from a long, cool weekend in San Diego. We took the new Honda Civic and we're getting over 30 miles per gallon on the drive over and back. Very Exciting!!!